One warm afternoon earlier this spring, as I sat working at my dining room table with the windows open, a heavy blanket of gray clouds settled in, and the gentle breeze that had been whispering through the window noticeably picked up speed.
Moments later the rain came, and with it, one of my all-time favorite scents—that damp, earthy smell of water on warm pavement, a signature scent of spring and summer. As I often did during winter’s first snowfall while living up North, as soon as the first few drops hit our sidewalk and driveway I pushed back my chair and went to the window. This time, it wasn’t to snap a picture of those first few flakes, but rather to draw in through my nose a deep, full breath— and as much of that wet-pavement smell as I could inhale.
As with that favorite smell of mine, some things—a taste, a sound or a feeling—are inextricably tied to summer. It could be the warm, musky scent of freshly cut grass, the sweet flavor of frosty vanilla soft serve, the crack of a baseball against a wooden bat or the faint twinkling of fireflies in the yard at dusk. Whatever it may be, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about—a sensual trigger that signals the start of summer. (Speaking of flavors, turn to “Captured” on page 40 to see which dish recently had my tastebuds doing flips.)
To bring the sights, smells, sounds, flavors and feelings of summer to life in our cover story, writer Jaimee Ratliff followed her five senses through the neighborhoods we feature here in 17th South, from the Jackson Street Bridge (hello, fiery sunsets!) to local farmers markets hawking fresh, sweet, locally grown fruit. (Is there any finer food out there?) If you’re in search of your own summer adventures, I’m sure you’ll find just what you’re looking for. So keep reading, and follow your five senses for an Atlanta summer that can’t be beat. Enjoy!
Lindsay Lambert Day