The Cubicle Cure

Old Fourth Ward’s corporate wellness startup takes an active approach to life, starting at the office
Work from home policies, in-office catering, pet-friendly campuses— corporations are more competitive than ever in an attempt to win employee loyalty. By offering stress relief training, onsite group workouts and even healthy cooking demonstrations, Old Fourth Ward startup Fitspot is dedicated to transforming the office to a place of creative restoration, and redefining cubicle culture to resuscitate employees who feel suffocated by the often sedentary workplace lifestyle.
According to the Harvard Business Review, 80% of employees would choose better benefits over a pay raise, and Fitspot is finding new ways to give them what they want (think deep tissue massage after a stressful work call). By utilizing insurance-issued wellness dollars, corporations are able to engage their employees and create the most desirable workplace possible in a mutually beneficial way.
“We are seeing talent tend to go to companies that have these benefits,” says Sammy Courtright (pictured above), Fitspot’s founder and COO. “The number one way to attract talent is wellness.”
Here, Courtright suggests small ways to make improvements to your health during the work day:
What are some healthy snack tips to keep energized throughout the day?
I’m a big fan of snacking! Try hard boiled eggs or almonds, or even crack open a can of tuna and add some fresh lemon juice—anything protein-based. How do you fight those pesky afternoon sugar cravings that have us all crawling to the vending machine for a candy bar around 3 p.m.? You will experience cravings if you’re not eating a big enough breakfast or not consuming enough nutrients to keep your body satisfied. To kick start your day, find a way to incorporate a complex carb. A favorite of mine is oatmeal and fruit.
Do you have any advice for those looking to get in shape but unsure where to start?
Just do something! Anything is better than nothing. We are all so quick to hate on ourselves if we cheat on our diets or skip the gym. Be sure you‘re setting realistic goals; don’t set yourself up for immediate failure. Of eating, exercising and stress relief, which is the most important healthy habit to start adjusting? What you put into your body is undoubtedly the most important choice you make all day. Healthy foods will keep hormones and brain chemistry balanced while battling depression and anxiety.
What are a few ways to stay active at work when faced with endless desk tasks?
Walking meetings are a great way to transform a traditionally sedentary activity into something active. If it’s a conference call that you have scheduled, throw on your headphones and do a few laps around the office. If the meeting is with a coworker, ask if they want to go for a stroll.
How influential is stress relief and exercise to our productivity at work?
Our brains consume so many calories! If you don’t produce an outlet for all that brain power and stress, your mind will not function at its optimum efficiency. If you feel overwhelmed, just walking around the block will work wonders for your productivity.
For more tips on how to cultivate healthy habits in the office and at home, follow the Fitspot Blog at
STORY: Juliette Cheatham
PHOTOS: Stephen Payne