Photo Finish

Polaroid cameras provided instant gratification long before digital photography and selfies came along. In 1976, Polaroid built the first functioning prototype of the Polaroid 20×24 camera to demonstrate the quality of its new Polacolor II Film.
Polaroid built five of the 225- pound cameras, and founded the 20×24 Studio in Cambridge, Massachusetts, inviting select renowned artists to use the camera and show their work in the gallery. When Polaroid exited the film business, 20×24 Studio purchased the remaining film in 2009. It will cease operations at the end of 2017.
“Presidents and celebrities have been photographed with this historic, large-format Polaroid camera, and now you can, too,” says Anne Weems, manager of the Hathaway Contemporary Gallery on the Westside. “We’re excited to bring this opportunity to Atlanta before it is too late. We are already booking live portrait sessions of about 20 minutes each for October 27-29.”
Pricing is two tiered. Sessions shot by John Reuter, photographer and director of the 20×24 studio, will run $950 for the initial session and $200 for additional images. Atlanta’s own Sheila Pree Bright will also operate the camera, and those sessions will cost $1950.
“I’ve heard that there is almost a liquid quality to these prints, and what sets this camera apart from all other large format experiences is that it delivers an instant finished product,” says Weems. For bookings, contact the gallery at 470.428.2061
(main photo) Sean Penn sits for artist and photographer Chuck Close in front of a large-format Polaroid camera.
Photo: Courtesy 20×24 Studio