• Thandi Walton prepares a mezcal cocktail.

    Mix up cocktails with Mexico’s smoky export for drinks with satisfyingly earthy flavor STORY: Lia Picard | PHOTOS: Erik Meadows In the heat of summer, it may be tempting to cool off with a refreshing cocktail like the margarita, but this year we’re sipping tequila’s smoky cousin, mezcal. Although mezcal’s history dates back more than ...
  • 3174

    THESE WORKS INVITE YOU TO TAKE IN THE VIEW, TICKLE THE IVORIES AND MORE 1. Tiny Doors ATL (above) The sprite-sized entryways are sprinkled around Atlanta, beckoning eagle-eyed art buffs to seek them out. Once found, there’s whimsy and wonderment in speculating what awaits on the other side. Artist and creator Karen Anderson impeccably maintains ...
  • 4452

    See how one Midtown couple created a family-friendly home without sacrificing style In 2001, when then-bachelor Michael Coble decided to move intown from Alpharetta and reduce his work commute, he had no idea where to look for a new house. “I didn’t even know Midtown existed, to be honest with you,” he says. “I was ...
  • 4354

    Tiny houses—those portable residences with fewer than 1,000 square feet—gain traction as a new residential housing option throughout Atlanta, but zoning presents stumbling blocks for citizens ready to call them home. We take a look at what lies ahead here for housing’s biggest— make that tiniest—trend. Across the nation, tiny houses have captured the attention ...
  • 3069

    Star Provisions officially opened in its new location (1460 Ellsworth Industrial Blvd.) this April. While its to-go counter remains at Westside Provisions District, the new Westside location boasts an updated setting for Bacchanalia and familiar market items. starprovisions.com Popular Buckhead brunch spot Joy Cafe has relocated to 1100 Peachtree Street in Midtown. In addition to ...
  • 15123

    Trevor Hollis dons crisp summer seersucker for a Saturday night out at Livingston Restaurant and Bar in Midtown. Trevor Hollis AGE: 41 OCCUPATION: Chief Concierge at the Georgian Terrace Hotel NEIGHBORHOOD: Midtown What do you love most about what you’re wearing right now? I enjoy seersucker in hot months. It’s nice and light and keeps ...
  • 4480

    Yes, it’s a district. And yes, it’s a neighborhood. That’s the tricky thing about “Midtown,” says Tony Rizzuto, professor of architecture at Kennesaw State and president of the Midtown Neighbors Association who has lived there for 30 years. “It’s our official, legal name, but it’s also the area between downtown and Buckhead.” So let’s consider ...
  • Lindsay Lambert Day

    You’ve probably noticed that there’s no shortage of magazines in Atlanta devoted to covering the exciting things that are going on here at any given moment. And whether you’ve lived in this city all your life or you’re a recent transplant like I am (by way of Birmingham, Boston and New York), you also know ...
  • 4794

    We spotted this well-dressed duo taking on Ponce City Market in casual, cool and wonderfully worn wardrobe basics. Robert Jones AGE: 22 OCCUPATION: Makeup artist WHERE HE LIVES: Midtown and NYC Arianna Kautzky AGE: 24 OCCUPATION: Nurse at Northside Hospital WHERE SHE LIVES: Inman Park What’s your favorite thing about what you’re wearing right now? ...