For you astute readers out there, yes, you are seeing a new face here on this page. This first issue of 2019 is my first as the new editor of 17th South, and I couldn’t be more excited to be working on such a fun and relevant publication.
I also edit our sister publication, Simply Buckhead, which covers the Buckhead, Brookhaven and Sandy Springs areas. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know those communities as intimately as possible, and I can’t wait to gain more in-depth insight into the vibrant neighborhoods covered by 17th South. Of course, as a resident of Atlanta for the past 13 years, I already have lots of favorite local spots, but I’m hoping you, our readers, will introduce me to even more.
Naturally, it’s the people who really make Atlanta sing, and in this issue’s cover story starting on page 29, we introduce you to a handful of residents who have effectively transitioned from one career to another. I myself wasn’t one of those folks who knew exactly what they wanted to do with their lives from day one, so it’s refreshing to learn I’m not the only one who took a while to figure it out. I think you’ll find our subjects’ stories of successfully discovering their second careers both interesting and inspiring.
You’ll also read on page 15 about a fellow who makes his living as a personal concierge—something I’m sure we’d all love to have. On page 20, there’s the tale of the actress whose career really took off once she moved from L.A. to Atlanta. And on page 22, we chat with the co-founder of a budding floral business aimed at men. I hope you enjoy each and every tidbit not just in this issue, but all of the ones to come. Let me know either way.
Jill Becker